Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Car Czars and Other Things

It's probably not relevant now, but recently there has been talk of the government taking over the auto industry and appointing a "car czar," a government official, to head all three companies. While the first bailout for the Big Three failed, it is still a topic of debate. I'll tell you why the "car czar" is a bad thing.

1. First off, the government is admitting that they will seize control over a private industry. This is a very bad thing because once government starts to take control of private industry, we start taking the steps to socialism. Socialism, in a nut shell, is the government taking control and running everything. It's about two steps up from communism. In a socialist society, the government controls all the industry, but you are still able to maintain your rights. In a communist society, you are forced to bow down to the dogma of the government. Just take a look at when Stalin and Mao were in office of their respective countries. Back to my point. Government cannot, under any circumstances take control of private industry. America is the land to grow and be successful through hard work and to accept failure when it came to you. The Hershey company was started in the same way. Hershey opened up a candy shop, the shop failed, he worked for a few years to open it again, and he did. He repeated the cycle twice when he decided to put milk into the chocolate. That's why he has a town named after him and why he gained millions. Seems I'm stepping into the entitlement thing again. There'll probably be another entry, which will probably be the letter I send to the Tribune.

2. Once government takes control of private industry, we will lose most of our values and rights. I speak the truth on this. Government is there to help maintain order in society, but it shouldn't go to such lengths as to take control of an industry that should realize it's mistakes and suffer the consequences. Like the banks and Wall Street. They ran their companies into the ground and asked the government for a bailout. And the government complied. What the people at the banks and Wall Street should have done was admit their mistakes, apologize to the people, and try to find a way to recover that did not involve the government in any fashion. In my opinion, the government should be the last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last^24 resort. You can see why I am opposed to any kind of government intervention. We here in America should solve our problems by ourselves, not by immediately asking the government for help.