Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Abortion Resolution Speech

This is the speech I am praying that I get a chance to do. The resolution wants to ban abortion, but I am against, but not for reasons you may think. I'd like for you Reader to keep in mind that this is just a rough draft. Here you go:

My fellow representatives, I come before you today in firm negation of this resolution to ban abortions. My reasons are as follows: 1. Discrimination against women, 2. Federal Government is in our lives too much, 3. Point is moot.

1. Discrimination against Women
In history, women have been the minority group that has been discriminated against the most. Why is this? For ages men have believed that women were inferior. They believed that they did not have the smarts to run any business, get a job, run for office, and, God Forbid, have the right to vote. Black people got the right to vote 50 years before women. I’m sure we all remember in our history classes how hard and how long these women had to fight for their right for a basic principle: the vote. Even today women are still treated unfairly, especially in the work place. In most workplaces, for every dollar a man earns the woman seventy-five cents. Why is this still happening? Because we are following an antiquated system set up by old men many years ago. That old, antiquated system sees women as a step below men. With the passing of this resolution banning abortion we are adding to that system. We are furthering the discrimination against women. Do we really want to do that?

2. Federal Government Already Too Much In Our Lives
It seems lately that the government really wants to put a stranglehold on what we as Americans can do. While I came here today focusing mainly on abortion, I feel like this needs to be talked about. President Obama stated that he wants to “move away from the Old America.” It’s the Old America that brought us out of the oppression of King George and gave us our rights as Americans. It’s the Old America that has always fought against oppression, fascism, genocide. It’s the Old America that made us the world power we are today. It’s the Old America that was founded on the principles of small government and states rights. Today, President Obama is using fear tactics to make the common man see his point of view by stating that “only government can get us out of this mess.” A much bigger government is what he is calling for; a bigger government that now is planning on moving to a New America that most likely is going to end up a mostly socialist government. Let me bring up the point that Congress has and never will pass a law allowing or restricting abortion. All that’s happened is 9 Supreme Court Justices in 1971 interpreting the law. This is the United States of America. We should have rights to do almost what we want, but our rights seem to be diminishing. The least we can have is the freedom to choose what we do with our own bodies. Our own bodies. If the government starts telling us what we can and cannot do with ourselves, what have we become as a nation? “Welcome to 1984 and George Orwell’s Big Brother exists. And we close our eyes to it?”

3. The Point is Moot

In line 11 the resolution states the exceptions to this bill. One of these exceptions is “..and if having the baby will endanger the mothers health.” Having a baby in the first place endangers the mother’s health. Let me give you a few examples of how pregnancy is dangerous to the mother’s health: 1. Ectopic Pregnancies: This is when a fertilized egg is implanted against any tissue that is not the uterine wall. Imagine, if you will, a baby growing and maturing inside the mother’s fallopian tube. The mother won’t notice until the baby really starts to grow large. The mother then starts to feel pains in her stomach, lower back, pelvic area, some bleeding. Death could occur because of ruptures, although it’s rare. 2. Gestational Diabetes: The placenta supplies a growing fetus with nutrients and water and also a variety of hormones to maintain the pregnancy. Some of these hormones (estrogen, cortisol, and human placental lactogen) can have a blocking effect on insulin. Occasionally, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to counteract these hormones, and gestational diabetes occurs. 3. Gestational Hypertension: Pregnancy sometimes causes a rise in the mother’s blood pressure, leading to plancental problems and slowed fetal growth. 4. Bleeding to death: A women can bleed to death for no apparent reason when she births her child. In an effort to save the mother doctors pump blood back into her system. Sometimes this doesn’t work, as the blood keeps flowing out as fast as their putting it in.
So you see? The simple act of getting pregnant and going through with the pregnancy poses its own risks to the mother. So the point is moot.

So, in conclusion: 1. Discrimination against women, 2. Federal Government is already in our lives enough, 3. The point is moot. Thank you. I now yield whatever time I have left to questions.