Sunday, November 30, 2008


When I heard the election announcement on the morning of Nov. 5, I was shocked. Shocked and a little bit afraid that Barack Obama was elected president. I thought for sure the Electoral College would have put McCain in or more people would vote for McCain or something other than Obama. As you can see, I don't like Obama. No, it's not because he's black or anything like that. I don't like Obama because I don't like the man's policies. If people really look at them they are socialistic in nature. Now, I don't blantanly say this without stating any facts. I'll probably cover that in another blog entry, but today I want to talk about Obamania a little bit.

Obamania is a term that was and is still used to describe how the media loves Obama. I can't help but notice how, with each passing day, Obama is regarded as a kind of Messiah or Savior ment to save us from pretty much everything. I read Time magazine, and realized that they think Obama is the greatest President to come along since Washington. How could they make a statement like that(how could anyone?) when Obama is not even in office yet? Personally, I think he'll be alright, in the complete nation-chaning sence. With a Congress that has more liberals now then before, I worry a little how our nation will become when he finally sits in the Oval Office.

I've been told not to worry about my nation and only worry about myself and those I love, but how can I not worry? I have a deep love for my country, and I wish that I could change it to make it better than it is, make it a respected country where everyone wants to come (legally though. Don't like illegal immigration, but that's for another day) and start a life and be successful and make lots of money. After all, there are very few places where you can do that, and here in the good ol' US is that the most possible. But when people do make lots of money through hard work and integrity, they are regared as evil and not caring about the poor man.

Woops, I kind of let myself go. I meant to talk about Obamania and got off on a tangent there. Trust me though, you'll be hearing more of that talk from time to time Reader. Here I'll sign off. Until next time faithful Reader.

1 comment:

Mads said...

"How could they make a statement like that(how could anyone?) when Obama is not even in office yet?"

Although I support Obama (not because I completely agree with him, but because he is our president and there is nothing I could do to change it (with one or two more other reasons)), I do agree with this sentence. No one knows how he will do yet. No one can say that he is going to be the best president.

I just thought I would say that and let you know that I read this post. :)