Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today's topic shall be entitlement. More specifically, how the Millennial Generation has this feeling of entitlement to them. Now just things are clear, I'll be generalizing. I know there are some out there that don't feel entitled at all. Now, onto my opinion.

For the most part, the Millennial Generation feels entitled. They get trophies for 18th place, their spoiled, get everything that they want, there is no bad thing for them. When they start going into the workplace, they expect to be treated just like they were at home; pampered and getting everything they want. They have consultants for job interviews. Really? They need to be consulted on how to preform a job interview? Speaking of consultants, there are consultants going around to businesses saying that they just need to accept the Millennial Generation for what they are, to go with the flow so to say. Obviously this is not going to work. The heads of these businesses aren't just going to roll over for one or two employees; their going to treat everyone the same, no matter what. While I haven't experienced that firsthand, I have a basic understanding of how a boss works.

I can see this turning into a problem. I think it may already be a problem. If we don't tell our kids (or our friends, younger siblings, what have you), then they will grow up thinking that this is how the world is; that everything will be handed to them; that they'll be CEO's of their companies rather soon. The reality is that it takes years to move up the corporate ladder. Ever notice how most CEO's are middle-aged? I think we need to instill a kind of work ethic into them, tell them that life is going to be tough, very tough once they become adults. They'll have to fend for themselves and their parents won't always be there to support them.

You might've guessed that I am not one of those that feel entitled. You're right. I want to be a teacher, teach US History at the high school level. I know that I will have to work very hard, first to get into college, second to get my degree, and third to find a job and hold onto it. Sometimes I feel that my values are old-fashioned, that they belong in an era that is long past. That's probably true because I was raised with those values. As soon as I can I might run for some city office. I only have to be eighteen. Who knows? Maybe after I teach for a short while, people may be adressing me as Congressman Connolly. But that's a discussion for another day.

Next topic: Socialism.

1 comment:

Mads said...

Ah! You posted! I can't really read them right now, because I'm in Newspaper and I have work to do but I just thought I'd say "Ah! You posted!" and now that I have I'm going to go.

Ha ha.
